Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Public Option NOW!

Our health care system is broken, and American families and businesses urgently need a solution.
• Forty-six million Americans are uninsured.
• Premiums are growing four times faster than wages.
• Half of all personal bankruptcies stem from medical expenses
President Obama has challenged Congress to pass real health care reform in 2009 that upholds three basic principles:
1. Reduce costs by improving efficiency and investing in preventative care.
2. Guarantee every American the right to choose their plan and doctor—including a public insurance option.
3. Ensure quality, affordable care for every American.
Congress must past real health care reform in 2009.
We've petitioned. We've called. We've faxed. We've dropped off fliers. Now, the health care fight is really heating up in the Senate, and some Democrats are trying to bargain away the heart of President Obama's health care plan—a strong public health insurance option.
We need to escalate our campaign for real health care reform. On Thursday, July 9th, we are organizing a "Public Option NOW!" Health Care Rally at Senator Bill Nelson's Coral Gables Office at 4:00 PM.
On Thursday, July 9th, we will send a strong message to Senator Nelson and every senator: Health care reform must include a strong public health insurance option. NOW!

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