Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Miami-Dade campaigners have big share in Obama victory

Big crowd still waiting to vote on Election Day, late morning, at Uleta Community Center in North Miami Beach.

Just talking arithmetic here.

Barack Obama won Florida’s 27 electoral votes by a margin of 198,888 votes. That’s with 4,062,977 votes against 3,864,089 for McCain.

Miami-Dade County gave Obama a margin of 139,733 votes, so I’m declaring that we campaigners in Miami-Dade had a lot to do with Obama’s victory in Florida and in the overall electoral college.

There much more arithmetic to ponder, but for now this is very satisfying.

Note: Dade votes were 491,195 for Obama against 351,462 for McCain. Numbers from Miami Herald. Too tired to do own research.

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