Friday, August 24, 2007


Thank goodness for technology. We have our ways ... wasn't that a line that Peter Lorre would utter in the old black-and-whites? Ve haf our Vays ... Now we have our ways to catch sneaky Republicans trying to white-out the truth. Truth lies in Wikipedia, and now there's a scanner that shows who made changes in this user-edited, on-line sorta encyclopedia.

A few months ago we learned that our Republican lieutenant governor in Florida, whose name no one knows, erased embarrassing info about his past. Eine kleine Skandal ensued.

Today we learn that a Republican congressman's office erased the same sort of stuff. And here's the link. Note the money from disgraced Republican Rep. Mark Foley, to Rep. Adam Putnam, R-FL. Wow, news like this is the kind of thing that brightens an old guy's dateless Friday night spent at the overheated keyboard. News of sneaky Republicans caught in the act.

Now let's hold our breath until the Miami Herald prints news of this kleine Skandal.

UPDATE: Browsing to figure out where Adam Putnam is based (Tampa area), I came upon the Polk County news blog, with an astounding photo report on a high school that's putting up a $400,000 scoreboard for the football team.

UPDATE II: With an assist from (who else) Ken Quinnell, who knows where everything is, I now have the link to the watch blog that cares for Rep. Adam Putnam. Those uncertain about Wikipedia will learn much at this site.

UPDATE III: This topic also relates to my recent post on watch blogs, of which we do not have enough in Florida. Volunteers, in other words, are wanted.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link M-D Dems!

And of course Kenneth is the guy who always knows what's what, so thanks to him too.

We were proud to break the wiki story (perhaps a little too proud, the "PR EXCLUSIVE" banner is a little over the top ;)

and we're excited it's spreading over the blogosphere so quickly.

So please add the Putnam Report to your bookmarks, and check back again soon!

ClickBrain said...

I am making my offer again of free weblogs for anyone that wants to create a watch blog over at We have not officially launched, but anyone can get started right away and we will front page them once we launch.
