Thursday, April 16, 2009

Two good guys on the Miami-Herald op-ed: Barack and Joe

A pleasant surprise to find two fine Democrats on the Miami-Herald's op-ed page on Thursday, our President Barack Obama and a local author who joined the Obama campaign last fall and did great work in the grass-roots of Miami Beach, Joseph Contreras.

As the president heads off to Mexico en route to the summit in Trinidad, it was good to read Joe Contreras' wise analysis of Mexico and our relations with that very large neighbor to the south -- population around 110 million. Contreras is a former Newsweek journalist with a book out on Mexico, where he was bureau chief. I should get it, since most of my recent reading on Mexico is from the realm of fiction (I think), in the massive novel "2666" by Roberto Bolano. The title of Contreras' book is "In the Shadow of the Giant: The Americanization of Modern Mexico."

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