Friday, July 06, 2007

Karen Thurman ignites political blog

Finally some excitement in Florida Democratic politics. You may have seen the Herald story the other day about Karen Thurman, chair of the Florida Democratic Party, getting paid by a big Republican for some lobbying. The story migrated over to the Herald political blog, Naked Politics, and I've never seen so much comment -- it looks like the main page of DailyKos. Read and learn, maybe.

UPDATE: And in Saturday's Miami Herald there is one more airing of this story.


Charlotte said...

The main issues are several. Alberto Cardenas was a prime Florida mover for the stolen 2000 election and for the Republican gerrymandering in the state. He promotes the basic Republican cause which is to deteriorate government as a vehicle for societal progress thus helping to cause citizens to feel cynical about government, helpless and isolated. The overlay of "survival of the fittest" then follows. To be associated with and/or to directly or indirectly authenticate him and his ilk is an affront to fundamental Democratic progressive causes. Afterall, being a Democratic is not 9 to 5 nor a 2-hour meeting. Being a Democrat is 24/7, believing that we are the government, that we pay our fair taxes as membership dues, that we are our brother's keeper, that government should be a conduit for societal progress for us all. The likes of Alberto Cardenas would destroy these principles, with some obvious exceptions to befuddle their basic intent.

Anonymous said...

Better we take their money then have them give it to someone else... And can we please get over the 2000 election? We are talking about something that happened 7 years ago. Most non-political people look at this like sour grapes. It's time we stop worring about the past, and start focusing on the future.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been waiting to see some comments and/or response to newspaper articles and emails about the revelations of conflict of interest with Karen Thurman acting as a paid lobbyist for a prominent Florida Republican operative. Her position was supposed to be a full-time position, well paid by most standards of $100,000 a year and a promise from the national party that we had a really committed full-time Democratic leader for Florida. This is obviously not the case.

What is the stand going to be of the Miami Dade DEC? I hope this is on the agenda for next Monday’s meeting and if not, I’d like to place it on the agenda. If it is not, I will bring it up anyway as loudly as I can because I think this totally stinks!!! I have Cc’s others that I have on my contact list here but do not have as many as I would like to have because I would like to see info sent out to the entire DEC concerning this matter which I think is crucial if you are to hold the Miami Dade DEC together.

I have also heard, through the grapevine, that the DCCC is not going to help find and fund any candidates to challenge the 3 Cuban Congress people who run their positions as dictators in Miami Dade County and this was a promise that you have made to find them opponents. But if the DCCC does not help, it is nearly impossible to do that. This is where Karen Thurman should be using her time, not working for Al Cardenas who was recently described to me as a slippery snake oil salesman type politician.

Karen needs to really answer to this and I have not heard her say anything – all I’ve seen are reports in the newspaper about this and nothing from the DEC except from individuals like myself. I want to hear from Howard Dean who made a commitment to take the “For Sale” signs down in Congress and from Karen as to what she is going to do to distance herself from this obscene conflict of interest. If she can not do that, then she needs to resign her position at once and we as the Miami Dade DEC need to ask her to do so.