That is a great line from the underrated movie 'The frighteners' by peter Jackson.
Our primaries have ended. Some of you were disappointed in the results and that is natural. But let me remind you of our unified message from here til November:
Our democratic candidates now need your support against the republicans. You can find each of them listed in our 'candidates' section, including their contact information.
We have a full slate for federal candidates this year for the house of representatives. The incumbents (representatives Meek and Wasser-Schultz) are in positions of strength to retain their seats(or face no one at all).
My attention is called to the hardworking challengers. In the upcoming weeks, I will focus this newsblog to their races very tightly. The reason is simple:
They have been written off by others and are fighting very hard regardless.
It takes a certain kind of gumption to run for a position that is all uphill fighting. That is exactly kind of attitude we need to take here in this county. For too long we have laid our hopes on select candidates and state or national races to redeem our values in the democratic party. Are we ready to fight here as well?
As much as I am able to attend events and promote them for our challengers, I will do so and then report the outcome here. I have not been able to say much on the races leading up to the primaries because of the status of this blog as the official blog for the DEC of Miami-Dade county. I will am now free to give the opponents of democracy my full attentions and scorn.
perhaps too many, people come in from around the nation to have fundraising events to drain south Florida's donors to political causes and candidates. This is because of the lazy status we personally have given ourselves. The real future of funding in the democratic party is called 'small donor programs'. In plain-speak, they are talking about everyday people giving small amounts. The Democratic party has retained a terrible truth from the Clinton years: it is to heavily dependant on a very few big donors. Let me be clear on something; there is nothing wrong with supporting the democratic party with that large donation help. However as the active base, you personally do not feel as attached or relevant if you not financially attached to party. Then, as most people would do, you feel that you do not want your money wasted. And as this donor base becomes more broad, it truly becomes a party that is supported by the average person and for the average person.
I am going to spend some future posts talking about donations and what that pays for in politics. It isn't the pretty or sexy information, but it is going to be a honest talk about why so much is needed in modern times. And the need for small donors is so that the party can continue to serve as representatives of the people broadly and not just the elite few that handed in heavy checks.