They believe in miracles over at the Miami Herald editorial page.
Let's see, we've got a Republican governor, a Republican legislature, and a Republican newspaper, yet they'd like the Democrats to fix the primary mess. Caused by the Republican legislature and governor, with guidance no doubt from Karl Rove. With complicity, to be sure, of some duped Democrats.
Hey, Friday's editorial suggests, why don't y'all get up a committee of elder statesmen to resolve the issue somehow?
They hint at what must be done by describing the GOP as "Solomonic" and saying the result oughta "respect both the party's rules and the Jan. 29 results." And if we can't figure out how to do that (the miracle referred to above), our party "stands to lose any claim it may have to the loyalty and support of the voters of this state."
If that doesn't confirm the Herald as a Republican newspaper, I don't know what further evidence is required.
Here's my suggestion: Demand that the Republicans fix this. They did it. They should be crestfallen with chagrin at the way they diminished the weight of all voters in the Jan. 29 primary, Republicans as well as Democrats. Get the legislature to rescind, power up a new primary in April.
Well, there you see, I'm just like the Herald: believing in miracles.
Here's the comment I posted to the Herald's editorial.
Your political colors are showing, as usual. "Solomonic GOP" is pretty ripe. It was a Republican idea in the first place, and even if Democrats in the legislature had been smart enough to see the future, they couldn't have stopped the law's passage. Then the Republicans contrived to keep half their delegates while the Democrats got none. Now your editorial wants the Democratic candidates to fix this mess. How, please? I'd be asking the Republican governor and legislature to see the light and propose a solution. But no, they're happy to have disenfranchised almost two million Democratic voters. One of their biggest successes ever!
UPDATE: On Saturday I looked at the Herald blog and saw that my comment had been deleted. Guess it hit too close to the bone.
Now I know where Larry, Curly and Moe have gone. They're running the DNC.
What other team of geniuses could decide to punish Florida Democratic voters because of a change in primary date imposed upon them by Florida Republicans and then, in an unbelievable demonstration of "DUH?" ask those same disenfranchised voters to "contribute generously to the Democratic Party?"
And, as if the actual decision of the the DNC (Dumbest National Committee) was not by itself harmful enough, to the extent it serves as an example to the country of what to expect if Democrats are placed in control of the country, it is another self-inflicted hammer blow to the head of Democratic aspirations to gain control of Congress and the White House. I am sure the Republican Party is showing on its "Family Values" channel(hosted by Senator Larry Craig and Rudy Guiliani) a TV show entitled "The Democratic Party in Action" a highly rated satirical comedy about a well oiled political machine. It is clear from this program that the Republican Party need not bother running a campaign against the Democrats because the Democrats are doing it themselves.
AS far as I am concerned DNC stands for 'Do Not Contribute" because I will not contribute a dime to the people who have the unmitigated arrogance to believe they have the right to disenfranchise 1.7 million people and alter the outcome of the nominating process, and in so doing jeopardize the future of this nation by increasing the possibility of another Republican succeeding George W. Bush.
These are leaders? A pox on them. Every single individual who participated in this decision should be publicly identified and given credit for their brilliance.
I guess you didn't notice that the early primary date was absolutely prohibited in the national rules of both parties when the Republicans in our legislature proposed and passed it, and both national parties penalized Florida. This is not exactly a DNC problem. I'd worry about your threat if you show me your record of generous donations to the DNC. In this, I'm with you. I give to local Democratic candidates.
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