Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Really good Republican corruption reminder

There is a link in the second graf of this post on Stuck on the Palmetto to a clever reminder of Republican scandals you may have forgotten. This is Washington we're talking about, where the scandals are big, and Slate has rounded up about two dozen of them. This is how loyal Bushies make a living.

But the link above is specifically to today's Miami Herald, and more specifically to Ana Menendez' column with its jaundiced view of the Republican attack on Raul Martinez. We went through a lot of this yesterday. Ms. Menendez appropriately puts this in the category of the pot calling the kettle black.


Anonymous said...

Let's spend less time bashing Republicans and more time cleaning our own house. Hillary's acceptance of $850,000 in campaign contributions which she was later forced to return is a DISGRACE.

The DNC and the media have determined that there are only three viable and desirable Democratic candidates, Clinton, Obama and Edwards. There are enough of us that think that Kucinich, Gravel, Richardson or Dodd would be much better choices and could win if given the chance.

However, our voices are being silenced by polls like "Which of the Democratic Candidates has the best chance of winning the general election? " rather than asking "Which Candidate is the Best for America?"

Hooray for mediocracy and abandonment of ideals!

Maybe it is time for a third or fourth party since my party seems to have abandoned liberal, progressive ideals as much as the GOP has abandoned valid, traditional conservative values.

Here's something to consider: Don't push us into having to decide between Hillary and our conscience. We may feel compelled by our own integrity to choose more honest and appealing third party candidate.

Winning the White House for a Democratic candidate of questionable morality and principles does not justify abandonment of our personal principles. Let those of us who espouse Democratic ideals determine who best represents this philosophy in leading the nation.

What victory is there in winning by becoming the enemy when we lose ourselves in the process?

Thank you

Larry Thorson said...

My friend, part of politics is forming your positive program and part of it is criticizing the other side where appropriate. The DISGRACE you complain about should be fixed with public financing of campaigns, and that's a clear goal of the DNC under Howard Dean. Come to the party where the ideals are still high.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Larry, so in the meantime it's business as usual and ok to take money from any sleazebag willing to dip into their pockets for $850K.

As for the DNC, the leadership seems to be hell bent on excluding Kucinich and Gravel. Why was Kucinich not invited to the Steak Fry in Indianola yesterday or to the Democratic Presidential Forum later this week in Davenport. He's scored higher on some polls that both Dodd and Biden.

Is it that "more of the same" is all we can aspire to?? Too bad!

The DNC leadership and Kerry campaign must take full responsiblity for losing the campaign and giving us four more years of the worst presidency in history.

Shame on us if we let them repeat the same mistake. Shame on the DNC for shunning candidates like Kucinich and Gravel who have an important message for a country longing for healing and peace.

Thank you
Albert, North Miami